Ainsi soient-elles [Femmes] (1995) - Patrick Alessandrin, Lisa Azuelos

Ainsi soient-elles [Femmes] (1995) - Patrick Alessandrin, Lisa Azuelos


Genre..........: Drama
Size............: 691Mb
Runtime.......: 106 min
Country.......: France
Language.....: French
Subtitles.......: N/A
Runtime........:106 min

Three French women in their 20s wrestle with their feelings about the nature of romance in this drama that chronicles their love lives over a 6 month period. The film opens with scenes that not only introduce the women, they also tell the viewer what is to become of two of them. Marie, who likes having sex with different partners, is a stockbroker. She is first seen climbing a huge tree to tell a portly office messenger of her love for him. Jeanne is married and works as a waitress. She finds her estranged husband in a restaurant. Alice, an art history student, is frigid and has low self-esteem because her father was domineering. She is first seen lying nude on a canvas. An artist pours paint upon her body. The film jumps back six months. The three women are at a local pool engaging in some post work-out girl talk. It is frank, graphic and quite sexual. Sex scenes illustrate their stories. Marie keeps sleeping around while Jeanne becomes a part-time hooker. Alice considers giving herself to a painter who creates tableaux of ecstatic naked women covered in paint. soient-elles 1995.avi.001 soient-elles 1995.avi.002 soient-elles 1995.avi.003 soient-elles 1995.avi.004 soient-elles 1995.avi.005

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